The patient experience is defined as all the interactions that occur between patients and the healthcare system. The experience of patients with respiratory disease with home respiratory treatments (HRT) is not captured in currently available Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROM). We present the psychometric validation of the Patient-Reported Experience Measure (PREM) ‘HowRwe’ in Spanish and for respiratory patients with HRT.
Material and methods
After translation following ISPOR guidelines (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research), the questionnaire was administered to adult respiratory patients who were receiving treatment at Hospital Universitario de La Princesa. The administration was done in two stages with 6 months of difference between the pre- and post-test.
We studied 228 respiratory patients, with a mean (SD) age of 64.1 (13.2) years, 52.2% were men, 68.0% were married or coupled, and 56.6% were retired. Reliability coefficients of the scale were adequate, with α=.921 and Ω=.929 for pre-test, and α=.940 and Ω=.958 for post. The confirmatory factor analysis tested for pre- and post-intervention, showed an excellent overall fit: χ2(2)=49.380 (p<.001), CFI=.941 and SRMR=.072; and χ2(2)=37.579 (p<.001), CFI=.982 and SRMR=.046, respectively. No statistically significant associations were observed for neither age, adherence nor quality of life, except between HowRwe post-test and quality of life pre-test (r=.14 [.01,.26]; p=.035). No significant differences were found in sociodemographic variables. No differences in pre-test or post-test were found in effect of HRT. 85.6% of patients found the content of HowRwe “Useful”, and the preferred channel to respond it were paper, app and email.
The Spanish version of the ‘HowRwe’ questionnaire to measure the experience in respiratory patients with home respiratory treatments (HRT), has adequate psychometric properties and conceptual and semantic equivalence with the original English version.