Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is common cutaneous malignancy.
To examine the expression patterns of CD10, p63, BCL-2, and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) proteins in BCC.
Materials and methods
We used immunohistochemistry to evaluate the expression pattern of these proteins in 45 BCC specimens and their adjacent normal skin.
We found variations in the expression pattern of these proteins among normal skins and BCC. In normal skins, we found strong EMA cytoplasmic expression (adnexal structures). A strong nuclear p63 protein expression was found in basal and some suprabasal keratinocytes, external root sheath cells of the hair follicles, basal cells of the sebaceous glands, and in sweat glands.CD10 protein expression was seen in peri-adnexal mesenchymal spindle cells and myoepithelial cells of sweat glands.BCL-2 protein expression was confined to the basal cell keratinocytes, epidermal melanocytes, outer root sheath, and infundibulum of the hair follicle. In BCC, we found p63 (diffuse, strong nuclear staining), CD10 (focal, moderate cytoplasmic reactivity), and BCL-2 (focal, moderate cytoplasmic reactivity) protein expression in the neoplastic cells. BCC was consistently negative for EMA (except in areas of squamous differentiation).
There is an altered expression of these proteins in BCC. The underlying molecular mechanisms are open to further investigations.