To validate a questionnaire to analyze the perception of users of primary care (PC) with telephone consultation (TC), and to study the satisfaction with TC by users of PC services.
A two-phase study was conducted. Firstly, a questionnaire on satisfaction with telemedicine services was validated. Secondly, a cross-sectional study on satisfaction with TC was conducted.
405 users of PC services in Zaragoza (Spain).
Main outcome measure
Our main outcome was the satisfaction with telemedicine services PC services. Factor analysis was carried out using the exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation. The reliability of the dimensions obtained was analyzed using Cronbach's alpha. The inferential analysis was conducted using parametric tests.
The questionnaire was a valid and reliable tool (α>0.9) to assess the satisfaction of PC service users with telemedicine services. Before COVID-19, the satisfaction of the users with PC was adequate (mean=6111/10). However, during the COVID-19 the attention in PC centers became mostly telephone-based and satisfaction lowered as disappointing (mean=3555/10). Regarding the future of telemedicine, users considered it as unsatisfactory (mean=2977/10). Being a woman, being unemployed and belonging to an area of low vulnerability led to a worse perception of telemedicine.
This questionnaire was a valid and reliable tool to assess the satisfaction of PC service users with telemedicine services. Perceptions of patient satisfaction decreased during COVID-19. Thus, TC seems to be a good option when the patients consider it to be a complementary rather than a substitute tool to follow-up their conditions.