Basal Cell Carcinoma: Incidence and Trends in Valencia, Spain

Carcinoma basocelular: incidencia y tendencias en Valencia (España)


There is a need for epidemiological and incidence data on the occurrence of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in Spain.


Our study was designed to retrospectively retrieve cases from our computer databases from 2010 through 2016 to provide updated data on the actual incidence of BCC in Valencia, eastern Spain.

Material and methods

This was an epidemiological study on basal cell carcinoma conducted in Valencia, eastern Spain. We analyzed a total of 2171 patients and 4047 tumors, and gathered data to estimate the actual incidence of BBC in our region.

Results and conclusions

Our study confirmed that the incidence of BCC is much higher than previously reported. We calculated a crude incidence of 410.38 BCCs/100 000 person-years, an adjusted rate for the European population of 256.98 BCCs/100 000 person-years, and an adjusted rate for the world population of 196.26 BCCs/100 000 person-years. Risk is up to 29.49% higher for men (464.07 cases/100 000 person-years vs 358.40 cases/100 000 person-years for women). Incidence also increases by an annual 3.91% (a significantly higher annual incidence of 8.28% in women vs a 0.92% annual incidence in men). Overall, the lifetime risk for developing a BCC is 5.8% (5.02% in women and 7% in men).

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