Translation into Spanish and validation of feedback in medical education questionnaire (FEEDME-Culture) during clinical rotations

Traducción al español y validación del cuestionario de retroalimentación en educación médica (FEEDME-Cultura) durante rotaciones clínicas


The Feedback-Culture in Medical Education questionnaire is a validated scale to determine students’ perceptions of feedback culture in English-speaking countries. The objective of this work is to validate this questionnaire in its Spanish language version for Peruvian medical students during a clinical rotation.


An observational, instrumental-type analytical study was conducted on 139 medical students. The validity of the scale was determined by means of the Aiken's V coefficient and confidence intervals. Factorial analysis tests and Cronbach's alpha were performed.


All values were statistically significant when evaluated with Aiken's V coefficient. In addition, the asymmetry and kurtosis of all items are adequate as they do not exceed the range >±1.5. The significance of the Barlett sphericity test (1521.8; gl=120; p=0.001) and the Kaiser Meyer-Olkin coefficient (KMO=.953) were adequate and exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure. Cronbach's α coefficient of the total scale and its factors was higher than 0.80.


The Feedback-Culture in Medical Education – Spanish questionnaire is a valid scale to evaluate the perception about feedback culture in medical students who are doing a clinical rotation.

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