![[Translated article] Anatomy and Design of Musculocutaneous Flaps in Nasal Reconstruction](https://multimedia.elsevier.es/PublicationsMultimediaV1/item/multimedia/thumbnail/S0001731023002909:gr1.jpeg?xkr=ue/ImdikoIMrsJoerZ+w9/t1/zx4Q/XH5Tma1a/6fSs=)
The nose is a common site for skin tumors. The main arteries that supply the nose extend through the subcutaneous tissue. Submuscular dissection facilitates the design of safe, reliable musculocutaneous flaps that adapt well to the morphology of nasal defects. The diversity of these flaps makes them the first choice for reconstructing defects in more complex regions, such as the inner canthus of the eye and the nasal ala. We describe the surgical design of the procerus, V-Y nasalis, and lateral wall nasalis musculocutaneous flaps used to repair defects following tumor excision. The descriptions are illustrated by photographs taken by the authors during procedures and in cadaveric dissections.