Strategy for teaching radiology in a medical residency programme in infectious diseases construed through qualitative research

Una estrategia para la enseñanza de radiología en un programa de residencia médica en enfermedades infecciosas construida a través de la investigación cualitativa


To understand the perspectives of infectious disease residents and their preceptors on teaching radiology in medical residency programmes in this speciality. The aim is to support the creation of a strategy to facilitate teaching and promote learning within the competency matrix, given the expanding role of diagnostic imaging methods in medicine. Thus, knowledge of radiology is an increasingly useful tool for professional practice in the area of infectious diseases.

Material and methods

This is a qualitative, exploratory investigation in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with resident physicians and preceptors of a medical residency programme in infectious diseases according to the paradigmatic approach of Foucault’s discourse analysis.


Based on analysis of the interviews, the following central points are considered in developing a strategy to teach radiology in the medical residency programme in infectious diseases: understanding of the vocabulary used in radiology, development of good communication skills with radiologists, optimising the time dedicated to learning radiology, the correlation between aspects of radiology and anatomical pathology, as well as the systematisation of a teaching process.


The appreciation for peer education and case discussions, particularly with a radiologist integrated into the medical residency team, indicate that these are the measures with the greatest potential to facilitate teaching and promote learning.

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