Myeloneuropathy is a diagnosis ascribed to disorders that concomitantly affect the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Recognizing this syndrome may sometimes be arduous, even for the most consummate clinicians, because symptomatology can mimic either spinal cord or peripheral nerve disease. Besides, examination findings suggest a predominantly myelopathic or neuropathic picture. This article reports a rendezvous of rare cases of clinically diagnosed myeloneuropathy with different etiological backgrounds and therapeutic responses.
Eleven cases of non-compressive myeloneuropathy were admitted to the Department of General Medicine of Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, Burdwan, West Bengal, India, between May 2018 and May 2022.
We report the cases of 11 patients (6 men and 5 women) who presented with myeloneuropathy of different etiologies (vitamin B12, copper, and vitamin E deficiencies, organophosphate poisoning, chronic alcohol abuse, illicit substances abuse, anti-thyroid peroxidase/anti-thyroglobulin antibody-related neurologic disorder responsive to steroids, Sjögren syndrome, chikungunya infection, paraneoplastic, and hereditary).
Meticulous historical analysis, careful clinical examination, and apposite utilization and interpretation of biochemical, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging findings are sine-qua-non for an accurate and consistent approach to evaluating a suspected case of myeloneuropathy, facilitating early treatment and recovery. Differential identification of these disorders needs an in-depth perception of the mode of onset of symptoms, the course of progression of the disease, the pattern of myelopathic/neuropathic findings, and recognition of other neurological or systemic manifestations. For untroubled understanding, etiologies of myeloneuropathies should be subdivided into a few broad categories, e.g., metabolic (nutritional), toxic (toxin-induced), infectious, inflammatory (immune-mediated), paraneoplastic, and hereditary disorders.