[Translated article] Selection of Quality Indicators for the Certification of Dermato-Oncology Units: The CUDERMA Project Delphi Consensus Study

Proyecto CUDERMA: Consenso Delphi de los indicadores de calidad para la certificación de las unidades de dermatología de atención en dermato-oncología

Quality indicators are crucial for standardizing and guaranteeing the quality of health care practices. The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) launched the CUDERMA Project to define quality indicators for the certification of specialized units in dermatology; the first 2 areas selected were psoriasis and dermato-oncology. The aim of this study was to achieve consensus on what should be evaluated by these indicators using a structured process comprising a literature review and selection of an initial list of indicators to be evaluated in a Delphi consensus study following review by a multidisciplinary group of experts. The selected indicators were evaluated by a panel of 28 dermatologists and classified as either “essential” or “of excellence”. The panel agreed on 84 indicators, which will be standardized and used to develop the certification standard for dermato-oncology units.

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