[Translated article] Nautilus Flap and Bullfighter Crutch Flap for the Repair of Periorificial Surgical Defects of the Face

Colgajo nautilus y colgajo en muleta taurina para defectos quirúrgicos faciales periorificiales


Reconstruction of surgical defects located close to eyelid edges, nostrils, or the mouth is challenging, as tension generated by direct closure or skin flaps in these sensitive regions tends to cause distortion. New repair techniques that prevent retraction may significantly improve outcomes.

Patients and methods

Retrospective study of the use of 2 novel flap designs-the nautilus flap and the bullfighter crutch flap-to repair surgical defects in the peripalpebral, perivestibular, nasal, and perioral areas. The nautilus flap was used to repair 4 peripalpebral defects and 2 perioral defects, and the bullfighter crutch flap to repair 14 nasal ala defects.


Cosmetic and functional outcomes were very satisfactory in all 20 patients, with no cases of ectropion, nasal vestibule collapse, or labial asymmetry. Necrosis did not occur in any of the cases.


The nautilus and bullfighter crutch flaps appear to be excellent choices for reconstructing surgical defects in periorificial areas.

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