[Translated article] Haptens, Proteins, and Atopic Dermatitis

Haptenos, proteínas y dermatitis atópica

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is multifactorial in nature. Allergic contact dermatitis and protein contact dermatitis are allergic conditions that may occur in the context of atopic dermatitis and be the cause of exacerbations. Although the prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis is similar in atopic patients and the general population, these 2 conditions are frequently associated because atopic inflammation disrupts the skin barrier. Skin tests are therefore recommended in atopic individuals. Dupilumab could be useful for treating allergic contact dermatitis if it is mediated by type 2 helper T cells but could exacerbate inflammation if mediated by TH1 cells: further study is needed before conclusions can be drawn. Although the mechanism by which exposure to environmental proteins exacerbates atopic dermatitis remains under discussion, such exacerbations are routinely seen in clinical practice. Prick testing is recommended in symptomatic atopic dermatitis. When prick-test findings are positive, patients should be advised to avoid the culprit substances.

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