Sleep architecture in patients with frontal brain tumor

Arquitectura del sueño en pacientes con tumor cerebral frontal


The aim of the study was to characterize sleep architecture and self-reported sleep questionnaires in patients with frontal brain tumor.


Eight patients with frontal brain tumor underwent polysomnographic testing and completed self-report questionnaires on sleep quality, insomnia, drowsiness and risk of obstructive sleep apnea, in addition to depression and anxiety inventories.


Patients with frontal brain tumor exhibited a disruption of the sleep architecture, characterized by changes in the pattern and in the time they spend asleep. It was found that objective values (polysomnographic variables) do not necessarily correspond to the perception of alteration through subjective methods (self-reported questionnaires).


Changes in the architecture of sleep in patients with frontal tumors allow us to understand the organization of the brain during this state in the presence of this type of pathology, which causes structural and functional changes.

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