Long-Term Safety Profile and Off-Label Use of JAK Inhibitors in Dermatological Disorders

Perfil de seguridad a largo plazo y usos fuera de indicación de los inhibidores de JAK en dermatología

JAK inhibitors target specific inflammatory cytokines involved in various inflammatory diseases. Four molecules have been approved for dermatological use: upadacitinib, baricitinib, abrocitinib and topical ruxolitinib. Off-label prescriptions for other dermatological conditions have been reported. We conducted a narrative review of the literature to assess the long-term safety profile of currently approved JAK inhibitors in dermatology, and their off-label use in skin disorders. We performed literature searches with Pubmed and Google Scholar from January 2000 to January 2023, using the keywords “Janus kinase inhibitors”, “JAK inhibitors”, “off-label”, “dermatology”, “safety”, “adverse events”, “ruxolitinib”, “upadacitinib”, “abrocitinib” and “baricitinib”. Our search yielded a total of 37 dermatological disorders with studies supporting the use of these JAK inhibitors. Preliminary studies indicate that JAK inhibitors generally have a favorable safety profile and can be considered as an option in many dermatological disorders.

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