Malassezia folliculitis is an under-recognizedentity commonly affecting the face and upper trunk. Clinical picture mimics acne vulgaris and diagnosis is challenging at times. 10% potassium hydroxide examination is usually performed to confirm the diagnosis. This study sought to describe the dermoscopic features in Malassezia folliculitis. Patients diagnosed clinically with Malassezia folliculitis and confirmed by 10% potassium hydroxide preparation were included in the study. Dermoscopy was performed with a videodermatoscope [Dinolite AM413ZT; Polarising] from the most representative lesion. A total of 45 patients (M:F = 1:0.8 ) were recruited. All patients had monomorphic papulo-pustular lesions. Itching was present in 64.4% patients. Dermoscopy reveled folliculocentricity (100%), perilesional background erythema (100%), dotted/linear/tortous vessels (88.9%), dirty white scaling (77.8%), hypo pigmentation of hair follicle (64.4%), coiled/looped hairs (57.8%) and broken hairs (13.3%).
In conclusion, dermoscopy shows typical features in Malassezia folliculitis and can serve as a office based tool for identification of this entity.