The methodology of health education programs in schools—Qualitative study

Metodología de los programas de Educación de la Salud en las escuelas. Estudio cualitativo


To assess strengths and weaknesses of the methodology of health education programs, carried out in the period 2010–2020, in schools in Serbia.


Qualitative study, a thematic analysis approach.


Representatives of Public Health institutions, Serbian biggest nongovernmental organization, Youth organization, Ministry of education and municipality.


Nine professionals working in the field of Public Health and Health education.


Focus group gathered nine health and non-health professionals in 2022 year. Focus group was recorded, transcribed verbatim, coded and analyzed by three research team members. A coding template evolved through the analysis, providing the expansion of key concepts. Themes were, one by one, extracted, encoded, classified as the smallest units and interpretive, thematic analysis was applied.


Although the Focus group in our study identified among other advantages, support of Health sector to Educational sector as crucial, it emphasized as well following weaknesses: Analyzed health education programs were implemented insufficiently as a separate process in schools, did not have the image of programs shared and integrated into community; Health education needs of schoolchildren, parents, and teachers should be examined prior the education implementation; Well-educated interdisciplinary educators have to be strengthened and supported; Parents participation is necessity; Standards and good practice guidelines are needed, and those developed through Health Promoting Schools program could be practiced.


It is necessary to support cross-curricular competence, where health education should be integrated into all school subjects, and should go far beyond the school, grow into a culture of community life, which will interconnect all stakeholders in strong Public Health network.

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