Regardless corticosteroids are recommended for the treatment of organizing pneumonia there is limited evidence supporting this practice. Thus, we performed a systematic review of the literature on systemic corticosteroid treatment for organizing pneumonia.
A search was implemented in the PubMed database (Medline) for articles published in the last 20 years. Those studies with incomplete or insufficient data and case reports were excluded. We collected data including: demographics, clinical data, diagnostic procedures, aetiology, treatment regimen (drug, posology, duration, response) and evolution.
A total of 135 publications were selected and finally 13 studies with 849 patients were included in the review: 12 retrospective observational studies and a single prospective observational study. Most of the patients were started on treatment with systemic corticosteroids – a total of 627 (30–100% depending on the series), but there was a great heterogeneity regarding drug, doses and duration. On those that started treatment, 226 (36%) presented a relapse of the disease during follow-up. Only one study provided information regarding treatment side-effects.
The findings of this systematic review show the low quality data supporting the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of organizing pneumonia. This highlights a need to undertake appropriately designed studies to investigate which is the most appropriate treatment regimen that trades off benefits and risks of prolonged corticosteroid administration.