
Evaluation of the burden of migraine on the partner’s lifestyle
Background Despite the number of research studies regarding the individual burden of migraine, few studies have examined its impact on the patients’ partners. We aim to assess migraine effects on the patients’ partners on sentimental […]

Incidence of Bell’s palsy after coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Objective To estimate the pooled incidence of Bell’s palsy after COVID-19 vaccination. Methods PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched by 2 independent researchers. We also searched the grey literature including […]

The clinical characteristics of Hirayama disease in females
Introduction To characterize Hirayama disease in female patients, and increase awareness among clinicians regarding the specifics of this disease. Methods Baseline data, clinical manifestations, characteristics of cervical-flexion magnetic resonance imaging, and electromyography were collected and […]

Test cognitivos breves como herramienta de decisión en Atención Primaria. Estudio poblacional y de validación
Introducción y objetivos Los test cognitivos breves (TCB) se utilizan en Atención Primaria (AP) para la detección de deterioro cognitivo (DC) pero existen pocos datos sobre su utilidad diagnóstica (UD) en el ámbito comunitario. Este […]

Rare neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations of scrub typhus: a case series of 10 cases
Introduction Scrub typhus is a potentially life-threatening but curable disease that can produce multi-organ failure. Neurological manifestations in scrub typhus have gained attention recently, where the entire neural axis except the myoneural junction can be […]

Estudio CORCOBIA: determinación de puntos de corte de biomarcadores de enfermedad de Alzheimer en LCR en una cohorte clínica
Introducción El análisis de biomarcadores bioquímicos de enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) en líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) se recomienda como parte del diagnóstico en los centros en los que está disponible. Ante la ausencia de valores universales […]

Fear of Relapse Scale: Spanish version and psychometric characteristics in a sample of patients with Relapsing-Remitting multiple sclerosis
Introduction Relapses are a hallmark of multiple sclerosis, being a characteristic feature of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). The occurrence of a relapse constitutes a source of significant discomfort that impacts all domains of daily life […]
The prevalence, incidence, and clinical assessment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in patients with demyelinating diseases
Background Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is characterised by recurrent attacks of optic neuritis and transverse myelitis. The purpose of this work was to identify the incidence and prevalence of NMOSD and its clinical characteristics […]

Validación de Neuromyotype: un teclado inteligente para la evaluación de pacientes con atrofia muscular espinal 5q
Introducción La atrofia muscular espinal 5q (AME) es una enfermedad genética neurodegenerativa que afecta a las motoneuronas alfa produciendo debilidad progresiva. Actualmente se precisan nuevas herramientas que permitan medir y caracterizar con precisión la progresión […]