Epidemiology of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma in the Migjorn Health Sector of Mallorca, Spain From 2003 Through 2021

Epidemiología del melanoma cutáneo primario en el sector Migjorn en la isla de Mallorca entre los años 2003-2021

The study of the increasing incidence of melanoma over the past few decades is essential regarding prevention and optimization of health resources.

We collected cases of melanoma from Hospital son Llàtzer from the Migjorn health sector of Mallorca, Spain from 2003 through 2021, and calculated the incidence of melanoma adjusted to the standard European population. In addition, other demographic and clinicopathological data were descriptively analyzed too.

A total of 690 new cases of melanoma were detected with a progressive increase in the age-standardized incidence from 7.47 cases per 100,000 inhabitants/year in 2003 up to 23.84 in 2021 mainly due to early stages of the disease.

The incidence of melanoma has increased significantly in Mallorca probably due to the increasing population coming from northern Europe (low phototypes), sun exposure habits (tourism, fishing, agriculture), and improved early diagnosis.

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